Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
John Berger
itzulpena: Iņigo Roque Eguzkitza
2019, poesia
64 orrialde
John Berger


Aspaldiko amodiozko poema


Belar onduak

zeruak lurrari dion maitasunaren

usaina zuen.

Nire saihetsetako mina zinen zu

xixtaka zebilkidana

deskargaturiko orgen ondorioz.



atalase bat betetzen zuten

haraindiko bistarekin.

Etxea zinen zu

aranondoaren azpiko kandela

eta ene eternitatea.


Old Love Poem

The hay / smelt of how / the sky loved the earth. / You were the pain in my ribs / aching / from the carts unloaded. // The dead / were filling a doorway / with the view beyond. / You were the house / the candle under the plum tree / and my eternity.