Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Ezra Pound
itzulpena: Luigi Anselmi
2018, poesia
64 orrialde
Ezra Pound
Poesia kaiera
Ezra Pound
itzulpena: Luigi Anselmi
2018, poesia
64 orrialde
Erosi: 9,50
Ebook: 3,12


Pan hilik dago


“Pan hilik dago. Pan Handia hil da.

Makur zaitezte, neska guztiok,

Eta eho ezazue lili-girlanda bat harentzat”.


“Ez dago udararik hostoetan,

Eta hesiak zimeldu dira:

Nola ehoko dugu lili-girlanda bat

Edota bildu lore eskaintzarik?”.


“Isil nadin, andereak.

Herioa kamutsa izan zen beti.

Isil nadin, andereak.

Zelan eman lezake berak arrazoi bat azaltzeko

Zergatik eraman duen gure jauna

Sasoi hutsal honetan?”.


Pan Is Dead

Pan is dead. Great Pan is dead. / Ah! bow your heads, ye maidens all, / And weave ye him his coronal. // There is no summer in the leaves, / And withered are the sedges; / How shall we weave a coronal, / Or gather floral pledges? // That I may not say, Ladies. / Death was ever a churl. / That I may not say, Ladies. / How should he show a reason, / That he has taken our Lord away / Upon such hollow season?