Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Edna St. Vincent Millay
itzulpena: Ana Morales
2021, poesia
64 orrialde
Edna St. Vincent Millay


Perfekzio inertea


“Perfekzio inertea, oskola urratzen utzi,

Ezin baitizu moko bigun horrek apurtu.

Zer litzateke egundo ezin bazenu hautsi,

Inoiz ez jalgiz hortik, beti geratuz mutu?”.


Perfekzioa arrautzan, gauza jariakorra,

Denboraz mamitzen da eta bertan da, izan;

Ez du grinarik lehiaz irteteko kantura;

Osoa bada ere, oskolak du mendean.


Baina gogoak nahi du, temati, zabal dadin

Funtzioari eman diezaion amore,

Ez dadin izan guztiz perfektu, indar egin

Beharrez aske izateko nostalgiaren alde.


Inert Perfection

“Inert Perfection, let me chip your shell. / You cannot break it through with that soft beak. / What if you broke it never, and it befell / You should not issue thence, should never speak?” // Perfection in the egg, a fluid thing, / Grows solid in due course, and there exists; / Knowing no urge to struggle forth and sing; / Complete, though shell-bound. But the mind insists // It shall be hatched ... to this ulterior end: / That it be bound by Function, that it be / Less than Perfection, having to expend / Some force on a nostalgia to be free.