Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Christopher Okigbo
itzulpena: Karmen Irizar Segurola
2021, poesia
64 orrialde
Christopher Okigbo


Maskaren auhena


(W. B Yeats-i)

Denbora iritsi baita, Oi Poeta,

Zuk laudatu izenez mintzatzeko…





Errepideko bihurgunean,

Ibaiaren hortz hautsien atariko azken bihurgunea:


Zurrumurrua esnatu da

Euri osteko lur busti usainaren antzera,

Elefante lumaztatuaren arrazakoa,


Aldarria indartzen hasi da, hazi egin da, festa-jantziz,

Oldarrari lotu zaio,


Burdinazko maskara

Hotz eta zuriz, katekumenoen entsegu-aterpea

Estali du,


Barraskiloak inurritegietan bezala, kantikak ahapeka


Ahots bihurrituok

Kanoiari erantzun diogu



Eta burdinazko gangarrekin


Txori maskarez

Xabalinak aitzina jaurtitzen dituzten doinu salatzaileak ez bezala

Ekar itzazu, oi Poeta,


Santutegiko artzapezarentzat panegirikoak...





Egunsenti ederreko orgaria,

Debekatuta dago zure izena aipatzea,


Zenbat itsasargiren sugarrek

Jo diezaiokete egundo erronka eguzkiari?


Bataioko ura,

Bolizko dorre atzi-gaitzerako zurubi,


Hamar mila ibaik

Ezingo diote egundo erronkarik jo itsasoari.


Ostotsa lur gainean,

Larregizko nekea saiarentzat,


Hogei mila kanoik

Gorazarre egin behar diote oraino zure arnasari.


Elefante ehiztaria,

Munduaren dardara lur gainean,


Denbora iritsi baita, oi Poeta,

Zuk laudatu izenez mintzatzeko.





Elefante zuriari jazartzeari utziko zeniola uste zuten

Elefante zuriari jazartzeari utziko zeniola uste zuten

Baina elefante zuriari jazarri zintzaizkion atzera begiratu gabe,

Zuk, elefante zuria xirula magikoaz katean lotu zenuen horrek

Zuk, elefante zuria untxi arrunta bailitzan harrapatu zenuen horrek

Zuk, elefantea dardarka zeure sarera bideratu zenuen horrek

Eta hari hortzak erauzita, zeuretzat hartu zenituen

Zuk, hortzokin bolizko tronpetak atondu zenituen horrek


Lastozko teilatu hegalean jarri zintuzten

Teilatua zartatu zenuen

Burdinazko moldean isuri zintuzten

Moldea lehertu zenuen;


Txakurraren ahoa bezala, zu ez baitzeunden sekula egoteko,

Zuk, batailan abangoardian borrokan ari zinela,

Gudu-hautsa aurrean hartuta, zehatz-mehatz antolatu zenuen,

Atzeko lerrotik hurrengo gudu-zelaia.


Jaio ez diren belaunaldiek

Altzairuzko ahorik dasta ez dezaten


Oihana bolizko jauregi bihurtu zenuen horrek

Haran idorra ureztatu eta ertzak jorratu zenituen horrek


Atzenduak genituen ia-ia

Zuk laudatu izenak


Desertua antzaldatu eta larra berde bihurtu zenuen horrek

Errepideei basoa zeharka zezaten agindu zenien horrek

Eta mendi gisa iraun

Lotan zaudenean ere…





Xirula jotzaileak ez al dio sekula utziko zintz egiteari?

Bi besok ezingo dute egundo iroko handigaitza inguratu.


Gaueko brisak hatz-ttakunez jotzen du bananondoaren hostoa:

Utzi bananondoaren hostoari dantza bere gain hartzen…


Lament of the Masks

(For W.B. Yeats) // For the time has come O Poet, / To descant your praise-names ...


At the bend of the road, / The last bend before the broken teeth of the river: // And the rumour awakens / Like smell of wet earth after rain, / Elephant-feathered breed, // Burgeons into clamour, mounts up, caparisoned, / Charges to the assault; // And in cold and blue / Of iron-mask, envelopes the haven in which / Catechumen rehearse, // Like snails on anthills, whispered canticles: // Warped voices — / For we answer the cannon / From far off — // And from throats of iron — // In bird-masks — / Unlike accusing tones that issue forth javelins — / Bring, O Poet, // Panegyrics for the arch-priest of the sanctuary ...


Waggoner of the great Dawn — / For it is forbidden to mention your name — // How many beacon flames / Can ever challenge the sun? // Water of baptism, / Ladder to the ethereal ivory tower — // Ten thousand rivers / Can never challenge the sea. // Thunder above the earth, / Sacrifice too huge for the vulture — // Twenty thousand cannons / Must still do homage to your breath. // Hunter of elephants, / Earth tremor upon the land — // For the time has come, O Poet, / To descant your praise-names —


They thought you would stop pursuing the white elephant / They thought you would stop pursuing the white elephant / But you pursued the white elephant without turning back — / You who chained the white elephant with your magic flute / You who trapped the white elephant like a common rabbit / You who sent the white elephant trembling into your net — / And stripped him of his horns, and made them your own / You who fashioned his horns into ivory trumpets — // They put you into the eaves thatch / You split the thatch / They poured you into an iron mould / You burst the mould; // For like the dog’s mouth you were never at rest, / Who, fighting a battle in front, / Mapped out, with dust-of-combat ahead of you, / The next battle field at the rear — // That generations unborn / Might never taste the steel — // Who converted a jungle into marble palaces / Who watered a dry valley and weeded its banks — // For we had almost forgotten / Your praise-names — // Who transformed a desert into green pasture / Who commanded highways to pass thro the forest — / And will remain a mountain / Even in your sleep ...


But will a flutist never stop to wipe his nose? / Two arms can never encircle a giant iroko. // Night breezes drum on the plantain leaf: / Let the plantain leaf take over the dance ...