Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Christopher Okigbo
itzulpena: Karmen Irizar Segurola
2021, poesia
64 orrialde
Christopher Okigbo


Zopernako pasarteak




Sarkofago hutsaren gainean

    zizelez landuta alabastroa,

Mihilu adar bat

    sarkofago hutsaren gainean…


Ezerk ez du istripua iradokitzen


Jan-hondarrak azkentzen ari den tokian…


Airean zelai gainean dabilen

Ke anbar urdin-minak

Errege baten leinurua distilatzen du zuhaitz batetik bestera

Euri-lanbro ostean…


Enkiduren adar berria ere ikus daiteke,

Hori ere ez da kontu berria…





Haien guztien erdian zutik jarri

    eta berezko itxuran agertu zen,

Horditurik aurkitu zituen, ez zuen

    aurkitu inor egarbera haien artean.


Nork egingo du bat zure harri-irudian,

Edo nork onartuko zaitu zeure herrixkan?


Miragarrietan bildu garauak hazkurri emanda

Balio sistema jatortzat hartu zuten,

    hura gizonaren xalotasuna,

Ez zen inor egarbera haien artean.


Burdinazko moldean taxutu zuten,

Eta harkaitza zulatzeko eskatu,

    hura gizonaren xalotasuna,

Buru-bakoz inguratuta aritu zen harri-zulatzen.


Giltza atera zuten,

Auskalo-nongo giltza ezkutatu…

Inor sar ez zedin.


Gudako harrapakinak berotan bildu

Eta elkarren artean berotan banatu zituzten harrapakinok:


Lursailak, besteak beste;

Beraiek ziren hautatutakoak,

    odol nahasiko txakurrak,

Aurrez idatzitako jainkotasunaren

    aldarria eskuetan…


Jendeaz ari zara:

Ez da inor egarbera haien artean.





Burdinazko armazoitik,

Burdinazko moldean…


Hildako lehoia jan,

Eta hilikiaren barruan zegoenez


Ez da hori kontua;

Eta nork dio ardura duenik

Zein aldetara doan hegan kometa,

Baldin eta hara eta hona

Bizi-bizi dagoen merkatuaren inguruan badabil



Erne ziren arrosadietan,


Hilarriak espaloietan bezala;


Hutsarteko gurutzera zetozen erromesak;

Erretako ezko argiak hartuta zetozen, airean bezala;


Harrizko baratzetik harago


Aita Santuaren mezua predikatzen zuen tokian,

Itotzear ziren lekaimeak hats hartzen zuten tokian,

Hitz-gakoa eskatu zion harriari,

Eta hala esan zuen:


Erein su-hazia belarretan,

Egon adi eta eutsi itzali artean…





Eki-txoriak berriro dio

Olio-leka zuhaitzaren itzal gainean:


“Plaza hartu du

    arrano aldrak

Olio-leka zuhaitzaren itzal gainean,

    bere arnasaren madarikazio pean.


Brontzezko mokoa, ondutako

    feltrozko hegoak,

Arranoak airean doaz

    gizon-saldoaren gainetik,

Ahots-horma aldapatsuak,


Arranoen lorratza

    ahotsen gainetik itsugarri


    orrazi eiteko hegoekin.


Bakardadean, aldra,


Ukiezin, eguzki-argiaren zetazko haria bezala,

Arranoak behetik doaz,

Distiraz… distiraz;

Eta txori txikiek itzalpean abesten dute,

Alde batetik bestera euren hezurren pean kulunka…”.





Eta kuzkurtuta,

Txakur itsu bat uluka amandreari:


Eunice igarobidean,

Ilargiari kantuz muino gainean har dezan lo,

Eunice igarobidean…


Ez eman horri aulkirik, diote,

Badoa egunsentiaren orgazaina,

Izar haserretuekin bat

Eguzki handiaganantz.





Gugana etorri ziren

Araoak, araoak, hamarretik goiti

Ziguinera igota

Eki-txoria hil zuten.


Olio-leka saila arakatu zuten,

Haren eitea; haren adar garaiak neurtu zituzten…


Basoan sartu ziren,

Olio-leka saila zeharkatu

Eta aurkitu zituzten, basoko jainko bikiak…


Piztiek ahots lodiz

Araoak, araoak, hamarretik goiti

Goiztiriko haize firfira kexu zen,

Zuhaiztiari hauspo emanez

Zaldi-isatseko-gizonen antzera,

Dantzarien mirabearen antzera,

Adarrei hauspo emanez.


Erpeak eurek atera zituzten maginatik

Zuhaitzen enborretan, buztin erregaitza bailitzan

Zorroztu zuten mokoa,

Eta arranoen antzera, feltrozko hegoak zabaldu,

Eta Irkallako jainko bikiengana jaitsi ziren.


Eta gizonaren zintzilikarioak

Eta isatseko apaindura-aleak;

Eta mirabearen maskorra

Eta bere oskola, banatu egin zituzten.





Jainkoak etzanda jendearen ikusgarri

Jainkoak etzanda jendearen ikusgarri

Bongorik gabe.


Etzanda daude Jainkoak, ez ditu inork ohoratzen

Lizunak soilik estaltzen ditu,

Jainkotegiaren atzealdean.


Zaharmindu egin dira Jainkoak,


Eta baita…





Leiho kanpoaldean itzal bat;


Eki-txoria ametsaren mugetatik

Ari da berriro abesten;

Eki-txoria ferekak iristen ez diren tokitik

Ari da berriro abesten,



Haren mihise odoleztatuan

Mihiko ebakiek

Gogor eusten diote

    berriro itsats dadin…


& bertan behera geratu da.


Fragments Out of the Deluge


On an empty sarcophagus / hewn out of alabaster, / A branch of fennel on an / empty sarcophagus ... // Nothing suggests accident / where the beast / Is finishing her rest ... // Smoke of ultramarine and amber / Floats above the fields after / Moonlit rains, from tree unto tree / Distils the radiance of a king ... // You might as well see the new branch of Enkidu; / And that is no new thing either ...


He stood in the midst of them all / and appeared in true form, / He found them drunken, he found none / thirsty among them. // Who would add to your statue, / Or in your village accept you? // He fed them on seed wrapped in wonders; / They deemed it a truth-value system, / Man out of innocence, / And there was none thirsty among them. // They cast him in mould of iron, / And asked him to do a rock-drill — / Man out of innocence — / He drilled with dumb-bells about him. // And they took the key off / And they hid the key of... / That none may enter. // And they took the hot spoils off the battle, / And they shared the hot spoils among them: // Estates, among them; / And they were the chosen, / mongrel breeds, / With slogan in hand, of / won divination ... // And you talk of the people: / There is none thirsty among them.


And from frame of iron, / And in mould of iron ... // For he ate the dead lion, / & was within the corpse — // Which is not the point; / And who says it matters / Which way the kite flows, / Provided the movement is / Around the burning market — // And lilies / Sprouted from rosebeds, / Canalilies, / Like tombstones from pavements; // And to the cross in the void came pilgrims / Came, floating with burnt-out tapers; // Past the village orchard where / Flannagan / Preached the Pope’s message, / To where drowning nuns suspired, / Asking the key-word from stone; / & he said: // To sow the fireseed among grasses, / & lo, to keep it till it burns out ...


But the sunbird repeats / Over the oilbean shadows: // “A fleet of eagles, / over the oilbean shadows, / Holds the square / under curse of their breath. // Beaks of bronze, wings / of hard-tanned felt, / The eagles flow / over man-mountains, / Steep walls of voices, / horizons; / The eagles furrow / dazzling over the voices / With wings like / combs in the wind’s hair // Out of the solitude, the fleet, / Out of the solitude, t / Intangible like silk thread of sunlight, / The eagles ride low, / Resplendent ... resplendent; / And small birds sing in shadows, / Wobbling under their bones ...”


And, squatting, / A blind dog howls at his godmother: // Eunice at the passageway, / Singing the moon to sleep over the hills, / Eunice at the passageway ... // Give him no chair, they say, / The dawn’s charioteer, / Riding with the angry stars / Toward the great sunshine.


And to us they came — / Malisons, malisons, mair than ten —

And climbed the bombax / And killed the Sunbird. // And they scanned the forest of oilbean, / Its approach; surveyed its high branches ... // And they entered into the forest, / And they passed through the forest of oilbean / And found them, the twin-gods of the forest ... // And the beasts broke — / Malisons, malisons, mair than ten —

And dawn-gust grumbled, / Fanning the grove / Like a horse-tail-man, / Like handmaid of dancers, / Fanning their branches. // Their talons they drew out of their scabbard, / Upon the tree trunks, as if on fire-clay, / Their beaks they sharpened; / And spread like eagles their felt-wings, / And descended upon the twin gods of Irkalla // And the ornaments of him, / And the beads about his tail; / And the carapace of her, / And her shell, they divided.


And the gods lie in state / And the gods lie in state / Without the long-drum. // And the gods lie unsung, / Veiled only with mould, / Behind the shrinehouse. // Gods grow out, / Abandoned; / And so do they ...


But at the window, outside, a shadow: // The sunbird sings again / From the limits of the dream; / The Sunbird sings again / Where the caress does not reach, // of Guernica, / On whose canvas of blood, / The slits of his tongue / ding to glue ... / & the cancelling out is complete.