Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Seamus Heaney
itzulpena: Xabi Borda
2017, poesia
64 orrialde
Seamus Heaney


Toomeko errepidea


Egunsenti batez gerra-gurdi blindatuen konboi batekin

Egin nuen topo, kirrinkari pneumatiko gogorren gainean,

Haltz adar hautsiekin kamuflatuak guztiak,

Eta soldaduak entzungailuekin dorreetan zutik.

Noiztik ote zetozen nire bideetan aurrera

Eurenak balira bezala? Herrialde osoa lo zegoen.

Igarotze eskubidea nuen, soroak, nire azienda,

Traktoreen hortzak ezkaratzetan,

Siloak, ate-hesiak, teila bustiak, berde eta gorriak

Kanpoaldeko teilatuetakoak. Etorriko dela espero denez,

Berri txarrak dakartzan desorduko bisitariarentzat

Atzeko ateak kisketaz itxita badituzte,

Norengana jo behar dut nik lasterka hau kontatzera?

Hazien ereileak, hilarrien harginak…

Oi aurigak, zuen kanoi lokartuen gainean,

Hemen da zutik eta ixil, zuen urratsen aurrean sutsu zutik dago,

Ikusezin, Omphalos geldiezina.


The Toome Road

One morning early I met armoured cars / In convoy, warbling along on powerful tyres, / All camouflaged with broken alder branches, / And headphoned soldiers standing up in turrets. / How long were they approaching down my roads / As if they owned them? The whole country was sleeping. / I had rights-of-way, fields, cattle in my keeping, / Tractors hitched to buckrakes in open sheds, / Siloes, chill gates, wet slates, the greens and reds / Of outhouse roofs. Whom should I run to tell / Among all of those with their backdoors on the latch / For the bringer of bad news, that small-hours visitant / Who, by being expected, might be kept distant? / Sowers of seed, erectors of headstones… / O charioteers, above your dormant guns, / It stands here still, stands vibrant as you pass, / The invisible, untoppled omphalos.