Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Anne Sexton
itzulpena: Harkaitz Cano
2015, poesia
64 orrialde
Anne Sexton


Masturbatzaile bakartiaren balada


Aferaren akabua heriotza da beti.

Begiak irrist, neska hura dut lantegi;

nire tributik jaulkiz, joantzat

zauzka ene hatsak.

Aserik ni. Izututa berriz, litezkeenak lekuko.

Gauez, bakarrik, ohea dut esposatuko.


Hatzarekin hatz, nirea da orain:

gertu daukat, hitzordu bat bezain.

Zintzarria astintzen dut, makur etzanik

zuk neska estali ohi zenuen alkoban.

Lore-loretan nengoen zuk maileguan noiz hartuko.

Gauez, bakarrik, ohea dut esposatuko.


Gau hau demagun, maitea, kasuko:

elkar xuka eta lumatu dezakeenari ez egin uko,

nola buruz buru, bultzaka edo belauniko

duen bikote bakoitzak elkar zurituko,

itzulipurdi alegeran ezin geldituzko.

Gauez, bakarrik, ohea dut esposatuko.


Nire baitatik urratu naiz horrela,

mirari gogaikarria. Eta

ametsen merkatua denon bistan balitz?

Barreiatu naiz. Gurutzean josi.

Nire aran goxo, zuk arrapostuko.

Gauez, bakarrik, ohea dut esposatuko.


Nire aurkariak dauzka begi beltzak.

Uretako andere, harean dantzan,

pianoa ukitzen du puntatik hatzak,

lotsa ezpainek; txirula dirudi haren ahotsak.

Erratz-makila ote nintzen, belaun okertuko?

Gauez, bakarrik, ohea dut esposatuko.


Neska hark harrapatu zintuen, emakume

batek merkealdiko soinekoa apaletik nola,

eta ni birrindu nintzen harri bat bezala.

Tori zure liburuak, tori amukoak, hara.

Egunkariak dio gaur zarela ezkonduko.

Gauez, bakarrik, ohea dut esposatuko.


Mutil eta neska, gauez dira bat.

Blusak behera, galtz-botoiak aska.

Argiak amata, zapatak orpotik at.

Gezurrez gainezkako izakiak distiraka.

Elkar jaten dutelako dira gain-elikatuko.

Gauez, bakarrik, ohea dut esposatuko.




The Ballad of the Lonely Masturbator

The end of the affair is always death. / She’s my workshop. Slippery eye, / out of the tribe of myself my breath / finds you gone. I horrify / those who stand by. I am fed. / At night, alone, I marry the bed. // Finger to finger, now she’s mine. / She’s not too far. She’s my encounter. / I beat her like a bell. I recline / in the bower where you used to mount her. / You borrowed me on the flowered spread. / At night, alone, I marry the bed. // Take for instance this night, my love, / that every single couple puts together / with a joint overturning, beneath, above, / the abundant two on sponge and feather, / kneeling and pushing, head to head. / At night alone, I marry the bed. // I break out of my body this way, / an annoying miracle. Could I / put the dream market on display? / I am spread out. I crucify. / My little plum is what you said. / At night, alone, I marry the bed. // Then my black-eyed rival came. / The lady of water, rising on the beach, / a piano at her fingertips, shame / on her lips and a flute’s speech. / And I was the knock-kneed broom instead. / At night, alone, I marry the bed. // She took you the way a woman takes / a bargain dress off the rack / and I broke the way a stone breaks. / I give back your books and fishing tack. / Today’s paper says that you are wed. / At night, alone, I marry the bed. // The boys and girls are one tonight. / They unbutton blouses. They unzip flies. / They take off shoes. They turn off the light. / The glimmering creatures are full of lies. / They are eating each other. They are overfed. / At night, alone, I marry the bed.