Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Dylan Thomas
itzulpena: Iker Alvarez
2017, poesia
64 orrialde
Dylan Thomas


Su-bonbardaketa osteko zeremonia




Nire buruak



Heriotza nekaezinera arte erretako kalean

Ordu gutxitako umea

Aho oratzaileaz

Errauts eginik datza amak palaz egin zuen

Hobi-bular beltzean, suak besoetan.





Hasierara berpiztutako iluna

Mihi harrapatuak baietz zioenean itsu,

Hautsi zen izar bat

Umearen mendeetan

Nire buruak min dira, eta miraririk ez du ordainduko.



Gaitzazu, barka


Guzu zure heriotza nire buruok, sinestunok,

Uholde izugarri batean eutsi diezaiogun

Odola isuri arte,

Hautsak kanta dezan txoria bailitz

Alea da haiza, heriotza hazi, gure bihotzetik.



Zure hil


Oilar gaindiko umea, suak txikituriko kale ondoan

Itsaso hegalaria salmoz kantatzen dugu

Gorputz hustuan.

Amodioa azken hitz-argia ohi da. Oi,

Seme hazia sabeleko azal beltz utzian.





Ez dakit

Adan ala Eba, idi saindu dotore

Ala bildots eme zuria

Birjina aukeratua, bestela,

Etzanik bere elurrean,

Londresko aldare,

Hiltzen lehena

Burezur tipi barruko hausterretan,

Oi, emazte-senargaiok

Oi, Adan eta Eba batera

Etzanda, atsedenean

Hilarri-bular tristearen azpian,

Edengo lorategiko

Eskeletoa bezain zuriak.



Adan eta Ebaren legenda ez dela

Une batez ere isilik nire zerbitzuan

Ume hilen inguruan

Ume bakarraren inguruan,

Apaiz eta zerbitzariak izan zena,

Hitz, kantari, eta mihi

Burezur tipi barruko hausterretan,

Izan baitzen sugearen

Iluntze eta fruitu, eguzkiaren gisara,

Gizon-emakume deseginak

Hasiera, ilunera birrintzen

Biluzik, patio

Basatian landare-mintegi bat bezala.





Organo-hodi eta kanpandorreetara


Haize-orratzen mutur urtuetara

Hamabi haizeko biribiletan bihurri,

Orduak erretzen dituen erloju hilera

Sabbath-eko kutxa gainetik

Argitzearen hobi zurrunbiloaren gainetik

Eguzki-etxola eta suzko auzo pobrearen gainetik

Requiemean etzanda diren urrezko ezpaloi gainetik,

Estatua multzoen kalderoietara,

Sugar-galsoroak emandako ogira,

Brandiak bezala erretzen duen ardora,

Itsasoko mezak

Itsas-azpiko mezak

Itsaso ume-ekarlearen mezak

Leher, iturri bihur eta betirako esateko datoz:

Loria, loria, loria

Genesi-burrunbaren erreinu lazgarri eta azkena.


Ceremony After a Fire Raid


Myselves / The grievers / Grieve / Among the street burned to tireless death / A child of a few hours / With its kneading mouth / Charred on the black breast of the grave / The mother dug, and its arms full of fires. // Begin / With singing / Sing / Darkness kindled back into beginning / When the caught tongue nodded blind, / A star was broken / Into the centuries of the child / Myselves grieve now, and miracles cannot atone. // Forgive / Us forgive / Us your death that myselves the believers / May hold it in a great flood / Till the blood shall spurt, / And the dust shall sing like a bird / As the grains blow, as your death grows, through our heart. // Crying / Your dying / Cry, / Child beyond cockcrow, by the fire-dwarfed / Street we chant the flying sea / In the body bereft. / Love is the last light spoken. Oh / Seed of sons in the loin of the black husk left.


I know not whether / Adam or Eve, the adorned holy bullock / Or the white ewe lamb / Or the chosen virgin / Laid in her snow / On the altar of London, / Was the first to die / In the cinder of the little skull, / O bride and bride groom / O Adam and Eve together / Lying in the lull / Under the sad breast of the head stone / White as the skeleton / Of the garden of Eden. // I know the legend / Of Adam and Eve is never for a second / Silent in my service / Over the dead infants / Over the one / Child who was priest and servants, / Word, singers, and tongue / In the cinder of the little skull, / Who was the serpent’s / Night fall and the fruit like a sun, / Man and woman undone, / Beginning crumbled back to darkness / Bare as nurseries / Of the garden of wilderness.


Into the organpipes and steeples / Of the luminous cathedrals, / Into the weathercocks’ molten mouths / Rippling in twelve-winded circles, / Into the dead clock burning the hour / Over the urn of sabbaths / Over the whirling ditch of daybreak / Over the sun’s hovel and the slum of fire / And the golden pavements laid in requiems, / Into the bread in a wheatfield of flames, / Into the wine burning like brandy, / The masses of the sea / The masses of the sea under / The masses of the infant-bearing sea / Erupt, fountain, and enter to utter for ever / Glory glory glory / The sundering ultimate kingdom of genesis’ thunder.